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Create AI-powered interviews that collect deep insights, at scale. Effortlessly extract insights from any research data, including interview recordings, survey data, pdf's, and more.

Survey, User Experience Testing, Behavioural Research, Consumer Insights, Sentiment Analysis, Summarization, Text Classification, Other
Academic, Market Research

Developed by: InsightLab Inc.

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About InsightLab

InsightLab is designed to help you discover what people really think, value, need, want, and more.

Effortlessly analyze any qualitative research data and capture deep insights at scale through AI-powered interviews. Our powerful querying tools save you hours and allow you to ask your data questions, unearth latent needs, extract quotes, and more.

Understanding "the why" behind people's behaviours is critical. This is typically answered through 1:1 user interviews, but they take a lot of time, scheduling, and analysis, which makes them difficult to do at scale. On the other hand, surveys are easy to scale, but they are static and open-text responses are usually fairly limited.

InsightLab's AI-powered interviews ask key questions that you define, and dynamic follow-up questions with each participant to unpack nuanced responses and dig deep at scale. The interviews are deployed through a simple link, can be run in up to 70 different languages, and don't require scheduling.

Invent the future with InsightLab.

InsightLab and Prolific

By integrating InsightLab with Prolific, you can harness the power of AI-powered interview to maximize the amount of information you gather from each participant.

Use cases

  • AI-Powered Interviews

    InsightLab's AI-powered interviews help you unearth deep insights at scale. Simply define key questions that you'd like to ask a target audience, and the system will ask smart follow-up questions to dig deep and unpack nuanced responses from each participant. Deploy your first study in under 5 minutes, in up to 70 different languages.

  • AI-Powered Research Analysis

    Our powerful querying tools save you hours and allow you to ask any research data questions to unearth latent needs, extract quotes, and more. Upload and analyze interview audio recordings, survey data, .csv's, pdf's, and more.

  • Evaluative Research

    Gather feedback from participants based on an existing experience, product, or defined task. Unearth insights that inform how to improve an experience based on people's feelings, latent needs, challenges, and more.

  • Generative Research

    Discover net new opportunities by leveraging AI-powered interviews to conduct unmoderated research at scale.